Description / KYO Onahole Warmer
KYO Onahole Warmer
What feels even better than using a onahole or sex doll? Gliding into a pre-warmed onahole or sex doll! Now you can heat your masturbation products quickly and safely with the KYO Onahole Warmer. USB warmers aren’t just for those cold winter nights; they’ll make your experience better every time.
Extra safe onahole heater
While a cheap warmer will just keep getting hotter and hotter, the KYO Onahole Warmer is controlled by a built-in thermostat. This way it can’t overheat and damage your toys*.
The KYO Onahole warmer has no sharp edges or protruding points, so it won't damage your onahole's delicate inside structure.
How to use a USB heater
Using the Onahole Warmer is easy: just insert the warmer into your favourite sex toy or doll and plug the USB plug into a USB socket. On average your toy takes 2-4 minutes to heat up. The LED indicator in the back will indicate whether the warmer is heating or it has already reached its temperature of 40 degrees Celsius. Take the Warmer out and your toy is ready for use!
This heater measures about 15 centimeters, which means it is easily long enough to heat most onaholes without any issues.
Benefits of using a sex toy warmer
- Feels more realistic
- No “cold shock” to your sensitive parts
- Faster and easier than alternatives like hot water
We promise that once you try this you won't want to go back to fucking cold onaholes!
Product information:
Length: 15cms
Width: 3cms
Cord length: 52cms
Temperature: 40 degrees Celsius
Plug: USB
* While the warmer’s heat is restricted by the thermostat it’s still a safe practice to check the temperature of the product you’re warming every couple of minutes to ensure it’s not getting too hot.

Customer Reviews
It definitely does not heat up an ona in 2-4 minutes like the description would imply. Closer to around 15-20 minutes.
I did not have any issues with the light flashing like some other reviews seemed to have.
The heating is pretty uneven.
And of course, most importantly, it melted the insides of my onahole and almost burned me. I doubt it's the onahole's fault either because the ona was DEFINITELY too hot to the touch. It didn't actually burn my penis, but I did think for a second that it did and it probably could have if I didn't go in slow and pull out instantly. I did leave it in for about 45min to 1hr when this happened, but this should not happen with something that is advertised with heat regulation as a feature.
+1 star because well, it does actually heat. Can't say I recommend this one though.
However, a more significant issue is the temperature control, which is dependent on the USB Communication Standard. When connected to older USB adapters, the device can become noticeably warm, although it's unlikely to cause any damage. For optimal performance and temperature regulation, I recommend not using an ancient USB adapter.
As many others have pointed out, the cable is quite short and makes it very inconvenient to use. I personally don't mind the LED light (mine didn't blink). The heating area is not 15cm.
Yet the active heating survace only reaches half of that - from the tip to the K of the KYO Logo (around 7,5 cm).
This is still perfectly usable since heat spreads, but presumably it'll take long to heat up big toys.
The internal thermometer works, noticable by an audible click sound when it turns the heating element on or off.
The LED however doesn't have much of a point, other than to show you if the cable is broken.
Meaning it doesnt give any indication about the heating status like advertised or at least like the description of the product currently states.
I certainly recommend has the feeling is much more natural!
Even though it does the job, I'm gonna give it 4 stars because the cord is too short for me.
More Information
Product weight | 250.00 g |
International Reviews
The bottom part will light up like a lightsaber, hey why not.
Could be a bit cheaper or the cable a bit longer, so 4 stars. Otherwise all good.
The bottom part will light up like a lightsaber, hey why not.
Could be a bit cheaper or the cable a bit longer, so 4 stars. Otherwise all good.
Convient aux masturbateurs étroits
Ne pas laisser chauffer + de 5 min !
Finalement la sensation à l’introduction est DELICIEUSE !
Be careful not too let it warm too long or it might damage your onahole (definitely my fault on that for letting it wayyy too long, but I just didn't expect it to get that warm).
So I the end, it's not bad per say, but there is probably better options out there.
Be careful not too let it warm too long or it might damage your onahole (definitely my fault on that for letting it wayyy too long, but I just didn't expect it to get that warm).
So I the end, it's not bad per say, but there is probably better options out there.
Na 4 a 5 min in mijn Onahole te zitten is deze lekker warm, door dat dit apparaat niet te warm word is het wel aan te bevelen hem echt niet langer dan 5 min in je speeltje te houden. Ik heb gemerkt dat na dat ik me speeltje met dit apparaat heb op gewarmd is het gevoel heel anders en prettiger dan koud
In gebruik is dit apparaat heel makkelijk. Als het product is aan gesloten is brand er een rood lampje aan de achter kant ik zou wel erbij blijven en maximaal 5 minuten in je toy doen, door de form gaat het product makkelijk naar binnen maar ik zou wel een beetje glijmiddel gebruiken om het apparaat in je speeltje te doen, ook omdat het dan gelijk je glijmiddel warm aan laat voelen, dit is na mijn mening zeer prettig
De verpakking is een beetje standaard, en er zit ook geen stekker in dus moet je geluk hebben als je nog een USB stekker hebt dit is een beetje het nadeel van het product.
Het product doet wat het beloofd, het opwarmen van je speeltje is binnen een paar minuten gedaan (blijf er wel bij of zet een timer voor 5 min max) ondanks dat dit product doet wat het beloofd is het na mijn mening jammer dat dit product zonder stekker word geleverd dit is misschien wel nitpicking maar ja wie heeft er geen USB stekker over tegenwoordig? (misschien wel als losse optie bij dit product mee leveren, omdat dit ook niet bij de advertentie bij staan)
Dieser hier funktioniert bis jetzt besser als der andere und heizt auch gleichmäßiger. Warum es da so Unterschiede gibt, weiß ich nicht, ist aber sehr schade.
Das Vergnügen wird dennoch besser mit ihm. ;)
Das Kabel ist leider zu kurz, ansonsten funktoniert der Wärmer super und tut was er soll.
Fühlt sich nochmal besser an danach :)
Die LED ist wirklich nur dazu da um zu sehen ob der Stab angeschlossen ist oder nicht. Laut der Aussage in der Produktbeschreibung hingegen, schaltet sich der Stab nicht von alleine ab.
Ich finde das der Stab seine Sache nicht schlecht macht und es sich wirklich viel angenehmer anfühlt, wenn man sein Toy vorher aufgewärmt hat... :)
J'ai acheté cet article pour aller avec mon Sujiman Kupa EXTRA-Virgin Lolinco, comme le commentaire au dessus, il est légèrement trop petit pour mon sextoy.
Sinon, il permet de chauffer légèrement l'interieur, ce qui est plus confortable.
Also das Kabel ist doch recht kurz aber es erfüllt seinen Zweck. Die LED´s hätte man auch ruhig weglassen können, denn die veranstalten eine Lasershow anstatt anzuzeigen ob der Wärmer nun aufgeheizt ist oder nicht.
Außerdem heizt sich nur der vordere Teil auf, der hintere Teil, hinter dem schwarzen STrich bleibt kühl. Dadurch reduziert sich die Länge die aufgeheizt wird auf ca. 110mm .
Auf jeden Fall heizt dieser STab das Onahole schön auf und verbessert den Spielspass somit.
Het bevat wel een regenboog lampje dat veel knippert.
Persoonlijk vind ik dat wel leuk en zorgt er ook voor dat je weet dat hij aan staat.
Maar misschien vervelend voor mensen die discreet hun onahole willen gebruiken.
Ik raad deze warmer heel erg aan. Vooral als je gewent bent je onahole in warm water te doen.