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Description / Kaitai Shinsho Premium Soft - Moe Body

Kaitai Shinsho Premium Soft - Moe Body

We may call this a mini torso, but don't be mistaken: at 2 kilograms, this isn't a small toy! Magic Eyes has produced a second version of the ever-popular Kaitai Shinsho, that's even softer and more realistic. Thanks to the underlying skeleton structure, the Kaitai Shinsho Premium Soft never feels floppy or unwieldy: she holds her shape perfectly without becoming rigid. This toy also delivers incredible suction!

The perfect body: quadruple material design for extra realism

The art on the box, with a wide-eyed girl showing off her curvy body, is enough to make anyone curious. Open the packaging and you won’t be disappointed: the perfectly soft body has a slender waist, large breasts and a nice round ass. At 27 centimeters long and weighing in at 2 kilograms this sex doll torso is easy to handle while still being big enough to appreciate the curves.

And it isn’t just the looks that make the Kaitai Shinsho Moe Body great! Just like its predecessor this torso is made by combining several different materials, each adding to the realistic end result:Kaitai Shinsho

  • Soft skin: The outer layer, tits and ass have been made out of a tantalizingly soft material. It feels just like real skin and even jiggles a bit!
  • Bone layer: the internal skeleton serves several functions. Firstly, it keeps the torso from folding and bending too much. It also feels more realistic when you grab this toy and feel a ribcage or pubic bone underneath the soft skin. Lastly, the firm layer also helps with creating vacuum suction - more about that later.
  • Lining material: the inside of the Kaitai’s pussy is lined wait a special pink material which mimics the feel of a real pussy as closely as possible.
  • Soft flesh: between the bone structure and the lining material is a hidden extra: the soft flesh material is squishy and almost jelly-like, pushing back against you with every thrust without being hard.

Extra long tunnel with brilliant design 

Like the original Kaitai Shinsho the tunnel is extra long and runs all the way through the torso. The internal design is identical to the first edition. Why mess with perfection? The only change is that the Moe Body is a little softer, which creates milder stimulation. This sex doll torso is perfect for long sessions or endurance training!

Directly after the labia is a little area where the lube can gather. This way, less leaks out and the extra is reapplied with every stroke. There, the real tunnel starts: it curves gently, and every part of it is covered with subtle, realistic structures. The tunnel’s structure is asymmetrical, so if you flip the Kaitai over you’ll get a different experience.

Suction or no suction: you get to choose

One of the things which makes the Kaitai really shine is the vacuum. Thanks to the internal skeleton this toy can generate some intense vacuum! Each time you pull out slightly the toy tries to suck you back in. This gives a lot of extra stimulation and is something everyone should try at least once!

But if you’d rather go without, or if you want to have a longer session, that’s an option too: Magic Eyes inserted a plastic “coin” that blocks the tunnel, but this can easily be removed or reinserted. This way you can switch between the two different modes!

A sex doll torso that’s easy to clean

When you remove the coin the tunnel runs all the way through this torso, which makes it super easy to clean after use. Rinse it out under the tap or in the shower, letting the water flow all the way through. Make sure to dry it well afterwards, especially the inside! Read more about washing and drying on our cleaning page, where you can also pick up some products that will make the whole process easier.

Kaitai Shinso Premium Soft - the summary

A sexy body and absolutely incredible interior design with a strong vacuum, what more could you want? If you liked the original version but want the fun to last a little longer, this Moe Body edition is the perfect choice for you.

Kaitai Shinso Premium Soft Specifications

Length: 27cm
Width (front): 10.3-16.5cm
Width (side): 11cm
Chest size: 420cm
Waist size: 290cm
Hip size: 440cm
Weight: 2kg
Made by MagicEyes Japan

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Review by Tutan
The absolute best I've tried, like other reviewer it's snug, tight and sucks you in. But got tear, loose inside skeleton, no repair could be done, soo sad. If some glue or instructions would be great
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Amazing tightness
Review by Mike
Once you plug the hole at the top and you let a vaccuum form, its gonna be the tightest and snuggest ride you`ll ever have the pleasure to experience.
Its also quite great to look at and provides ample size to hold on to. The extra weight also adds greatly to the experience.
Quite maintenace heavy though, also realy bothersome to clean, definitly recommend a cleaning stick!
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More Information

Number of holes 1
Product weight 2,000.00 g
Reusable Is reusable
Theme Anime
Tunnel length 160.00 mm
Open/Closed Open
Number of layers 4 layers
Bone structure With bone structure

International Reviews

Spitzenprodukt mit schnellem Versand
Review by Dennis
Premium Soft ist eine treffende Beschreibung, ist echt super eich und fühlt sich spitze an.
Warten musste ich auch nicht lange drauf.
Hoffe das Sortiment wird noch besser als es eh schon ist
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Really not bad
Review by narleen
i dont want to take my dick off her anymore
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